Lemon Roasted Strawberries with Seeds and Greek Yoghurt

Just look at this! A million thank yous to our fabulous foodie friend, Giovanna Ryan, for this stupendous strawberry breakfast recipe. Sure to get you out of bed with a hop, skip and jump, this berry-infused beaut really is the cream of the crop.
Over to Giovanna...
Roasting strawberries? Are you insane??! One of the greatest joys of British Summer is biting into a huge, sweet, fresh strawberry, right? I hear you, I do, but roasting strawberries brings out their beautiful tart sweetness and makes a perfect accompaniment to creamy Greek yoghurt for breakfast. You can also use strawberries that are a little past their best for this, so you don’t have to feel guilty about using the fresh ones.
Ingredients for 4 breakfasts:
- Around 500g strawberries, topped and cut in half
- 4 tablespoons caster sugar
- Peeled zest of 1 unwaxed lemon
- Handful pecan nuts
- Handful pumpkin seeds
- Handful sunflower seeds
- 2 tablespoons black sesame seeds (or white if you can’t find the black ones)
- 3 tablespoons honey
- 2 tablespoons demerara sugar
- Pinch flaked sea salt
- Greek yogurt to serve
Preheat the oven to 200C.
Heat the honey in a small saucepan until it becomes pourable.

Place the nuts and seeds in a mixing bowl and mix in the heated honey, demerara sugar and salt.
Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the nut and seed mixture over it. Roast for 10 minutes, take out and stir and roast for a further 5 minutes. Leave to cool before breaking into clusters.

Place the cut strawberries with the caster sugar and lemon zest on a baking tray. Stir to completely coat the strawberries in the sugar and leave for 10 minutes for the sugar to dissolve. Roast for 20 minutes, stirring halfway until the strawberries are soft and you have a sticky strawberry syrup to drizzle.

Serve the strawberries with a big spoon of Greek yogurt and a handful of the nuts and seeds. Make sure you spoon on some of the strawberry syrup before it cools and sticks to the tray.

What a way to start a Summers day! Don't forget to send us a pic of you enjoying your new go-to breakfast recipe, we love seeing them.