Molly Meets Garden Designer, Andy Sturgeon

image credit: Rebekah Kennington
Did you know that we as humans possess a natural urge to hunt out connections with nature and plants to make us feel good, happier and calmer? There is a name for this, its Biophilia. I learnt this just recently from the very clever and talented garden design great that is Andy Sturgeon.
Andy and I have not actually met (shhh) but we almost have, twice (long story). We will meet in person soon and that I am very much looking forward to. Andy has been creating gardens internationally for private and commercial clients since 1988, he is based down the road from us in sunny Brighton, he has twice been voted one of the top 10 gardeners in the UK and has 8 gold and 3 best in show medals at Chelsea flower show. Wow. His Mind Garden this year (2022) was magical. A woodland setting with a series of sculptural walls cascading and swirling through a sloping garden like a handful of petals tossed to the ground. Silver birches (my favourite) add height, their tiny leaves make the most wonderful dancing shadows on the ground. You can learn more about the mind garden, discover all of the planting and be inspired here.
We are happily focussed on the power of plants this season, planting, nurturing and marvelling at the all of the things we can do with things that grow. This, combined with my almost meeting with Andy gave me the perfect excuse to ask him to join us for our regular feature of Molly Meets. Grab yourself an apple and a chair in the park/ garden and find our a bit more about Andy. You can see all of Andy’s work here.
What’s more, we happen to know that Andy sleeps and lounges in our PJ’s.
Have a great day all, over to Andy

image credit: Rebekah Kenningtom
Describe what you do in 3 words
Great Garden Design.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Being outside and being creative.
What’s the first thing you do when you get out of bed in the morning?
I look out of the window at the garden, the trees and the sky in no particular order.
What's the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Do what you like doing and follow your dreams.
What’s the next big garden challenge at home?
Moving home. Our garden is in central Brighton and is absolutely tiny. We are looking for more space and a view in the countryside.
Are you all about long lie-ins or up with the lark?
It largely depends what I did the night before but I’m a night owl not an early riser.
Instagram or Tiktok?
What's on your bed today?
I would love to say that some beautiful cushions are arranged neatly on the bed but I know for certain that they are all lying on the floor next to the bed.
On my bedside table I have…
Lots of books, most of which I haven’t yet read.
If you had to have the same thing for breakfast every morning, what would it be?
Fruit salad and yoghurt (if someone else chopped it all up).
How do you like your eggs in the morning?
Scrambled or poached. I can never decide.
Tea or Coffee first thing? How do you take your?
Coffee. Maximum caffeine. A flat white or latte with an extra shot.

image credit: Rebekah Kennington
What’s your favourite colour?
I think it must be blue. When I open my wardrobe that is all I see.
What are your 3 favourite Instagram accounts?
@stromarchitects, @jimiblake_huntingbrookgardens, @clivenicols. All bit work related I’m afraid.
Who (4 guests) would you invite dream midnight feast? Dead/alive/animal?
David Bowie, Peter Cook, Billy Connolly, Richard Ayoade.
What would be your worst garden nightmare?
I sometimes have a recurring dream that I have turned up at Hampton Court Flower Show and I have completely forgotten that I am meant to be making a garden. I cobble it together really quickly and its awful.
Clean sheet Friday or clean sheet Sunday? (Harriet and I disagree)
Friday so you have more time to enjoy it at the weekend.
Do you have a bedtime ritual, can you share it with us?
I’m really not sure you want to hear it.
Flat sheet or fitted sheet?
You’re off for a weekend camping… What one luxury would you take from your bedroom?
We always take the duvet.
Tell us a secret?
I’m not trained to be a garden designer and have been making it up as I go along. Still waiting for the tap on the shoulder.
Do you like peanut butter?
Yes but it has to be crunchy and MUST be without palm oil.