Molly Meets Jessie Cutts

I have admired Jessie’s ‘slow stitching’ from afar for many years. Her use of natural, tactile fibres and her love of upcycling fabric waste put us firmly in the same design camp. So it was my absolute pleasure to have her use some of our waste and seconds fabric to create a most beautiful quilt that we are proud to have for sale on our website.
In between stitches I managed to grab some time with Jessie to ask her a few questions about her crafty beginnings and get to know her a little better.
1. Tell us how you became crafty?
I’ve done it forever. I learnt to make things from my Grandma, I learnt to use a sewing machine when I was 9, I’ve always done it, I was always the kid making things.
2. What’s the best thing about your job?
Getting to be creative everyday. Being able to take something from in my head, and be able to hold it in my hands.
3. Where is your favourite corner in your house?
The chaise by the window in our dining room.
4. Who is your favourite artist or designer?
There is a very long list, but to name a few: Sonia Delauny, Matisse, Paul Klee and Annie Albers.
5. What's the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
In my last job, we spoke a lot about not worrying about failing, and how you can always learn from your mistakes. Mistakes can end up being where you need to go. .
6. What’s the next big design challenge?
I’m not sure yet! I’ve just finished a bunch of work for an exhibition last week, so still in planning phase.
7. Are you all about long lie-ins or up with the lark?
Up with the lark.
8. Instagram or TikTok?
9. What is on your bedside table?
Glass of water, magnesium spray, books I haven’t read, jewellery and a nice hand cream. .
10. How do you like your eggs?
Soft boiled with buttery toast.
11. Tea or Coffee first thing?
12. What’s your favourite colour (this week)?
Hot tomato red, I’ve always loved it, it’s such a joyful colour. For me, it brings a lot of colours together
13. Who (4 guests) would you invite to a midnight feast, be they dead, alive or animal?
Four of my best friends.
14. What is your worst interior nightmare?
Grey or minimalism
15. Clean sheet Friday or clean sheet Sunday? (Harriet and I disagree)
16. Do you have a bedtime ritual ?
Make myself actually go to bed.
17. You’re off for a weekend camping… What one luxury would you take from your home?
A feather duvet and pillows, I hate sleeping bags.
18. Should peanut butter be crunchy or smooth?