Molly Meets Laura and Diana

I love meeting new people, its one of life's pleasures and when your path crosses with people like Laura and Diana (left to right above), founders of the online interior design company My Bespoke Room, it's more than a pleasure, it's a delight. We first met when I went along to film their expert series. It was a first for me to be on camera, and not really in my comfort zone, but within moments of meeting we were chatting and sharing tips and tales from our businesses and the day became more like a chin wag with old friends than an interview. Since then we have met and helped each other further. I hope we meet many times more as these ladies are fabulous! I caught up with them for our regular feature ' Molly Meets'. Its a little bit of fun and helps us get to know them a little better. Enjoy reading and thank you so much Ladies, its been a pleasure!

  • Describe what you do in 3 words:

Laura: Creator, do-er, leader

Diana: entrepreneur, thinker & do-er

  • What’s the best thing about what you do?

Laura: Creating flexible work opportunities for people. Plus seeing amazing room designs come to fruition.

Diana: Helping people achieve their perfect home within their budget, and of course the feedback we receive from happy customers.

  • What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

Laura: My kids generally jumping on top of me.

Diana: My kids jumping on me wanting breakfast!

  • What's the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Laura: Treat everyone as you’d like to be treated.

Diana: Only have 3 priorities on your to-do list each day.

  • What does a typical Monday morning look like for you?

Laura: I get up about 7am, and once the kids are dressed and fed, I drop them off at nursery/school. When I get into the office, I make myself a coffee, check in on orders from the weekend, and run our weekly ‘team huddle’, to plan our priorities for the week.

Diana. After dropping my kids off at school I organise and plan my week, check and respond to emails and catch up with the team. Sorry it’s a little boring I know!

  • What’s the next big interior challenge in your home?

Laura: I’ve always got a project on the go! At the moment we’re planning to reconfigure my upstairs to create another bathroom. We’re moving our boiler/water tank into the loft to free up some cupboard space, then we will steal some space from our family bathroom so I can make an en-suite for our spare room.

Diana: Much to my husband’s dismay I’d love to do an extension and re-paint the whole house.

  • Are you all about long lie-ins or up with the lark?

Laura: During the week I am up with the lark BUT I do need at least one long lie at the weekend to re-charge my batteries. My husband and I take turns to get up early with our girls at the weekend – team work, makes the dream work!

Diana: Definitely up with the lark, I’m most productive in the morning and tend to make the most of it.

  • What are your 3 favourite Instagram accounts?

Laura: Ihavethisthingwithfloors. Sophie Robinson. Style the Clutter – she is up and coming and I love her style.

Diana: Sophie Robinson, Liberty and Firmdale Hotels by Kit Kemp (can you spot a theme?!)

  • What's on your bed today?

Laura: Fitted sheet, flat sheet, soft duvet, 4 pillows (although I only use one when I sleep!) and 5 scatter cushions.

Diana: A mattress topper, a thick goose down duvet, pure cotton percale linen, plenty of pillows and dressed with a patterned blanket and numerous scatter cushions. I’m a sucker for luxury, colour and pattern!

  • What do you wear to bed?

Laura: I wear silky short pyjamas in the summer and cosy long pyjamas in the winter. I NEVER wear socks to bed because the feel of them against the covers freaks me out!

Diana: Desmond & Dempsey pyjamas

  • If you had to have the same thing for breakfast every morning what would it be?

Laura: Avocado, poached egg, bacon, chilli and cherry tomato’s – yum! All washed down by a coffee of course.

Diana: Pancakes with syrup and chopped fruit. Just as well I don’t eat it every morning .

  • Who would you invite to your dream midnight feast? dead / alive/ animal?

Laura: My Papa/Richard Branson/Dolphin

Diana: Princess Diana / Stephen Fry / Orangutan

  • How do you like your eggs in the morning?

Laura: I am now singing in my head ‘ I like mine with a kiss!’ Lol. I like mine hard boiled on granary toast, with butter, and lots of salt and pepper.

Diana: Poached, on toast with avocado.

  • Tea or Coffee?

Laura: How do you take yours…I am a coffee addict! I love a cortado... smooth and strong with just a little milk.

Diana: A good old cuppa of Yorkshire Gold tea first thing and then I’ll have a cappuccino late morning please.

  • What’s the favourite thing in your home?

Laura: It is hard to choose just one thing….can I have two?! I love my blue velvet chesterfield sofas as they symbolise my style – combining old with new. I also love my large dining table, as all our best times with family and friends happen around it.

Diana: My Dyson hand held hoover, how sad am I?

  • What is your worst interior nightmare?

Laura: There are too many to pick just one…but I suppose using too many different coloured woods/tones of colour in one room has to be up there!

Diana: Hanging pictures too low or too high.

  • Clean sheet Friday or clean sheet Sunday? (Harriet and I disagree).

Laura: Sunday for sure! It makes Monday mornings just that little bit better.

Diana: It’s clean sheet Friday in my household, ready for the weekend where I may get an extra half an hour to enjoy in bed (rarely, but I live in hope).

  • Do you have a bedtime ritual, can you share it with us?

Laura: Given I worked in the beauty industry for years I probably should have more of a beauty regime, but it doesn’t always happen! I try to take off my make-up, apply some face-cream, brush my teeth and then open my window for fresh air (no matter what the season). And, if I‘m struggling to fall asleep I listen to Magic Radio.

Diana: Having worked in the Beauty industry for over 10 years I always take my makeup off (no exceptions) and if I make it, I drift off to Radio 4’s book at bedtime. I’m currently trying to leave my phone downstairs . . . it’s been 2 weeks!

  • Flat sheet or fitted sheet? Fitted, most definitely.

Laura: I do use a flat sheet below the duvet – just because my mum did that :-)

Diana: Fitted all the way

  • What is on your bedside table?

Laura: Table lamp, ring dish, glass of water and some Elizabeth Arden 8-hour cream. I’d like to say a book but honestly I don’t have time to read unless I am on holiday.

Diana: Reading lamp, glass of water and a pile of half read books.

  • You’re off for a weekend camping… What one luxury would you take from your bedroom?

Laura: My mattress…I need a good nights sleep.

Diana: My duvet without a doubt.

  • Tell us a secret?

Laura: We’ve got some REALLY exciting plans in the pipework at MBR. We are going to be launching a completely new arm to our business that will create jobs and more beautiful homes. Watch this space!

Diana: I’m a terrible singer.

  • Who should Molly meet next?

Laura: Sophie Robinson( Tick, you can read that here)

Diana: My co-founder Laura. ( Tick also)

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