Molly Meets Laura Pradelska

Our Choose Love photo shoot was good for many colourful reasons. All of the team gave there time for free, we are delighted to be working with this amazing charity and sell this range to raise money for people who need our help, and we got to meet the very lovely Laura Pradelska. Laura gave up her time to join us to get cosy in our collection, shout about our cushions and help us to spread the word.
Molly caught up with Laura to see what makes her get up in the morning...
Which three words best describe your job?
Actress, Voiceover Artist, DJ
How did you come to work with the wonderful people at Choose Love?
I had heard about Choose Love through their first mission at Calais many years back. It came to my attention as many of my friends were involved including the late Caroline Flack who hosted an event in Soho that deeply moved me. It moved me for many reasons, probably the main one being that it is so personal to me. My mother was born in a Displaced People Camp in Germany after her parents survived the Holocaust. Displaced people, refugees and the like have always had a great impact in my life. I was humbled to see the work of Josie and her team by being essentials to Calais and I knew I wanted to be involved at any capacity possible.
How does a normal Monday look for you?
As a freelancer every Monday is different. On an ideal Monday I get up at around 8am, I try to get some Meditation in, and then I am usually found in a Studio doing Voiceover.
Tell us something that has made you smile this week?
My boyfriend! Also, we have started re-watching old Friend episodes as I am currently reading Matthew Perry’s autobiography which happens to be deeply moving and highly recommended.
What's the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
“Sat Nam". In ancient Sanskrit this mantra/ affirmation is defined as “Truth is my identity, I am anchored and centred in my truth”. I eventually did also get this tattooed!
What’s the first thing you do when you get out of bed in the morning?
Lately, I have been encouraged to remember my dreams and understand what the message behind them is and what I can learn from them, as I have struggled for a long time with sleep and sleep terrors. I am finding this to be healing, and it eases my anxiety and resolves conflict within myself, and expands my conscious awareness in the process.
Are you all about long lie-ins or up with the lark?
Lie in all the way, and not feeling bad about it!
What's on your bed today?
My pink Ikea blankey!
On my bedside table I have…
A natural pillow spray, a book to read, and my kindle, and some headphones.
Tiktok or Instagram?
Instagram galore, and more recently making strides on Tiktok!
How do you like your eggs in the morning?
Boiled or Poached
Tea or Coffee first thing? How do you take yours?
Decaf always, as I am already a nervous wreck! Ideally black, with a splash with some sort of plant based milk. BRB I am just going to grab a coffee :)
Who (4 guests) would you invite dream midnight feast? Dead/alive/animal?
Marilyn Monroe, Golda Meir, Kate Moss, and Russell Brand.
What's your favourite podcast?
Honestly I should probably say something deep and profound, but I love “Call her daddy“
Clean sheet Friday or clean sheet Sunday? (Harriet and I disagree)
Friday because I feel like going clean into the weekend, however if I have been out on the weekend I get a deep urge to change my sheets on Sunday night. It also helps with the Sunday scaries.
You’re off for a weekend camping… What one luxury would you take from your bedroom?
Again, my pink blankey
Tell us a secret...
I do ASMR and I am about to launch a sleeping App called Stil that will include that. This is the first time I have ever mentioned the ASMR anywhere
Do you like peanut butter? If so, crunchy or smooth?
Crunchy always, ideally from the US! LA girl at heart
Which piece from our collaboration is on your wish list?
I am living in my mint green pyjamas at the moment but I would really really like to have the pillowcase
Who should Molly meet next?
I think Molly should meet Nate James because he is a brilliant artist, and an even greater friend, and he will be spending November 21st outdoors alongside other compassionate and amazing people, to raise funds for the fight against poverty and homelessness in London. I can’t think of anybody kinder that would be a great addition to this beautiful collaboration.