The Ultimate Checklist for the Best Guestroom

Guest bedroom ideas

Is your guest room currently doubling as a dumping ground?  Are its only decorations a mountain of washing waiting to be sorted, a wardrobe stuffed full of old coats and a mattress lumpier than a bag of marbles?  Is the only resident the cat sneaking in for a snooze?  Unless it’s all part of a cunning plan to get your loved ones to stay elsewhere, then this article is for you.


When arranging the room, consider your own pet peeves as a house guest.  Don’t you hate having to bend down to dig around in your suitcase on the floor?  And isn’t it a pain stashing dirty tissues into your pocket because there’s no bin?  The art to hospitality is making visitors feel comfortable by anticipating their needs and it’s these little touches that will transform their visit into a five-star stay.

  • Coat hooks
  • A wastepaper bin
  • Dimmable bedside lamps
  • Full-length mirror
  • Spare hangers
  • A variety of plumped pillows (some firm, some squishy)
  • Extra bedding and throws

Top Tip: An armchair or wooden bench at the foot of the bed gives guests a place to throw down a jacket, lace up their shoes or lay out their luggage.


Clearing the decks is probably the most daunting task when doing up your spare room, but once everything is in its right place, you’ll have plenty of leftover time this festive season for baking and basting (or snoozing and feasting). Plus, it gives you the opportunity to declutter and donate items that are no longer needed, freeing up space for Santa’s next delivery.

  • Stash surplus odds and ends out of sight
  • Vacuum the mattress (you'll be amazed how much dust it collects)
  • Make the bathroom sparkle by wiping down the counters and clearing the vanity. Use a dash of vinegar for super sparkly taps.
  • Swap out dead lightbulbs
  • Freshen stored bedding sets by washing with baking soda
  • Dress the bed in the just-laundered sheets
  • Spritz linens with a lightly scented spray to keep them sweet
  • Stockpile towels and washcloths (the nice, fluffy ones!)
  • Open the windows and let the room breathe

Top Tip: Hide household overflow in storage boxes and tuck under the bed. A valance works a treat at keeping those everyday eyesores out of sight and out of mind.

Thoughtful Touches

Once you’ve ticked off the essentials, why not pull out all the stops and give your guests the royal treatment?  There’s no need to go to great expense, but stocking up on spare cosmetics, picking out a book they might enjoy or leaving a packet of paracetamol within easy reach if you’re planning to toast their arrival, will make their time at your home truly memorable.

  • A bedside basket with toiletries and other easily-forgotten necessities (toothbrush, anyone?)
  • An alarm clock (one without a noisy tick!)
  • The Wi-Fi network and password
  • A carafe of water
  • A hairdryer
  • A well-curated bookshelf
  • A cosy robe for night-time bathroom visits
  • A vase of freshly-cut flowers
  • For little lodgers, colouring books and crayons don’t go amiss

Top Tip: Next time you stay somewhere swanky, swipe those hotel toiletries and save them up for your visitors. Or invest in a couple of stylish, refillable bottles that you can top up with your favourite smellies.  

Let us know what little luxuries you think make the perfect guest room; we would love to hear from you. 

Happy hosting!

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