How to Make the Perfect Bed

There is nothing quite as inviting as a freshly made bed, don't you think?
After a long day in the office, it feels so lovely to snuggle up between the sheets with a good book - and what better way to do that than with freshly laundered sheets. With a little help from Cat and her cat Chutney we're showing the steps to making the perfect bed.
Step One
Start by tucking your fitted sheet over your mattress. Then lay your flat sheet over the bed, tucked in at the bottom end only, with enough at the top to fold over the duvet over by at least 60cm.

Step Two
Next comes the duvet. Now, we know the pain involved in putting on a duvet cover. But here's a trick to transform your life... well, not your life, but certainly your ability to put on a duvet cover!
Turn your duvet cover inside out and lay it flat on your mattress with the open end at the bottom of the bed. Then lay your duvet over the top of the duvet cover. Take the top end (i.e. the closed end of the duvet cover) of both the cover and the duvet and roll tightly like a burrito until you reach the end.

Slip the open end of the duvet cover around the burrito roll (similar to folding two socks together) and roll back out - and somehow, we're not quite sure how, your duvet cover will be neatly over your duvet! All you've got to do then is button it up.

Step Three
Next come your pillows, these should be stacked on top of each other. Then pop two big square pillows up in front, and two square cushions in front of these. Cushions always make your bed look that little more inviting.

Step Four
Lastly, a throw. Fold it in half, and lay across the end of your bed, for the perfect finishing touch.
And there you have it! The most perfectly-made bed!