Secret Seven: Books to Help you Sleep Better


Sleeping should be the easiest thing in the world, but sometimes it doesn't come as easily. This might be because we've had one to many coffees during the day, or we're stressed, but continuous lack of sleep can become a real problem.

A good night's sleep will leave us rested, feeling great and able to make the most out of our day... lack of sleep does just the opposite. If you're suffering from lack of sleep and need a little guidance, want an explanation or just some tips to help you doze off, here are seven books that might help...

Sleep by Nick Littlehales

Nick Littlehales is a sports sleep therapist. Encouraging and teaching athletes how to improve their sleep, so they can always perform well. He avoids traditional sleep rules like "always get 8 hours" and has alternative methods for making sure you're still getting enough rest. If you feel like you've already tried everything, give this book a read.

Good Sleep Guide by Sammy Margo

The best book for simple, practical tips on how you can improve your sleep. Less about the science of sleep, and more about how you can get some solid hours of zzz's. Her simple, easy-to-follow tips include sleeping with your socks on, advice on when to change your mattress and what time you should be heading to bed.

Say Goodnight Insomnia by Gregg Jacobs

If you're looking for a clear and tested way to get better sleep, try Gregg's six-week plan. He insists that it's the only alternative to sleeping pills, so if you've suffered with insomnia for a while, give this plan a try. His entire plan is backed up with sleeping trials, and after 6 months 75% of insomniacs become normal sleepers. Sounds pretty good to us.

The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington

After falling asleep at her desk from exhaustion, Arianna fell and cracked her cheekbone (ouch!)... she then decided that sleep needed to become more of a priority. After lots of trial and error, she's developed a bedtime ritual that ensures you get enough sleep, every single night. Her book is full of personal anecdotes, insight into her routine and lots of other methods to improve your sleep.

This Book Will Make You Sleep by Jessamy Hibberd

This book starts by making it clear just how important sleep is for our health. Did you know you can survive longer without food, than you can sleep?

Jessamy encourages changing your resting patterns, and attempting to change your mindset about your sleep routine. She repeats often that a bad night's sleep, doesn't mean you have to have a bad day... and a great night's sleep doesn't guarantee a good day. Once you remove the stress of needing to sleep, she believes it will.

Sleep: 50 Mindfulness Exercises for a Restful Night's Sleep by Arlene Unger

Arlene is a psychologist and wellness coach, so she believes you need to look at your lifestyle to be able to improve your sleep. The exercises in this book range from which pyjamas you wear to bed, to adding more cherries into your diet. It's pocket-sized and great for dipping in and out of when needed.

I Want to Sleep by Harriet Griffey

A former nurse who had years' of experience working the night shift, Harriet Griffey knows about having no sleep. She looked for some help, but couldn't find it... so she created her own guide that she describes as 'accessible and quick to help'. It's easy to follow and great for shift workers, jet lag sufferers and anybody whose sleep is affected by anxiety. Full of some lovely illustrations too.

Let us know if you have any amazing books that have helped you overcome trouble with sleep and we'll add them to our list!

Happy snoozing.

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